Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 23/1/2024 - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

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Source: Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

Official Journal of the European Union
C series



Competition policy annual report 2022
European Parliament resolution of 13 June 2023 on competition policy annual report 2022 2022/2060INI

The European Parliament, having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in particular to Articles 101 to 109 thereof, having regard to the relevant Commission rules, guidelines, resolutions, public consultations, communications and papers on the subject of competition, having regard to the Commission report of 14 July 2022 entitled Report on Competition Policy 2021 COM2022
0337 and to the accompanying Commission staff working document SWD20220188, having regard to its resolution of 5 May 2022 on competition policy annual report 2021 1, having regard to the Commission communication of 11 December 2019 entitled The European Green Deal COM
20190640, having regard to Regulation EU 2021/1119 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 2021
establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulations EC No 401/2009 and EU
2018/1999 European Climate Law 2, which sets the target of economy-wide climate neutrality by 2050 and establishes a binding EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction commitment of at least 55 per cent below 1990 levels by 2030, having regard to the Commission communication of 6 December 2021 on revised Guidelines on State aid to promote risk finance investments 3, having regard to the Flash Eurobarometer 510 report of October 2022 entitled SMEs expectations for an effective competition policy, having regard to the Flash Eurobarometer 511 report of October 2022 entitled Citizens perceptions about competition policy, having regard to the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union CJEU in Case T-791/19 4, having regard to the judgment of the CJEU in Case T-227/21 5, having regard to the Commission communication entitled Temporary Crisis Framework for State Aid measures to support the economy following the aggression against Ukraine by Russia 6, having regard to Council Regulation EC No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings the EC Merger Regulation 7, having regard to Regulation EU 2022/1925 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September 2022 on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector and amending Directives EU 2019/1937 and EU 2020/1828 Digital Markets Act 8,
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

OJ C 465, 6.12.2022, p. 124.
OJ L 243, 9.7.2021, p. 1.
OJ C 508, 16.12.2021, p. 1.
Judgment of 9 February 2022, Sped-Pro S.A. v European Commission, T-791/19, ECLI:EU:T:2022:67.
Judgment of 13 July 2022, Ilumina, Inc. v European Commission, T-227/21, ECLI:EU:T:2022:447.
OJ C 131 I, 24.3.2022, p. 1.
OJ L 24, 29.1.2004, p. 1.
OJ L 265, 12.10.2022, p. 1.

ELI: http data.europa.eu/eli/C/2024/479/oj

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Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 23/1/2024 - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

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Page count511

Edition count10082

Première édition03/01/1986

Dernière édition12/07/2024

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