Official Journal of the City of New York - July 3, 2024

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Source: Official Journal of the City of New York



Accessibility questions: Kaitlin Greer,, by:
Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 3:00 P.M.



The City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing accessible both in-person and remotely via the teleconferencing application Zoom, at 10:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, regarding the calendar items listed below. The public hearing will be held in person in the NYC
City Planning Commission Hearing Room, Lower Concourse, 120 Broadway, New York, NY. Anyone attending the meeting inperson is encouraged to wear a mask.
The meeting will be live streamed through Department of City Plannings DCPs website and accessible from the following webpage, which contains specific instructions on how to observe and participate, as well as materials relating to the meeting: https
Members of the public attending remotely should observe the meeting through DCPs website. Testimony can be provided verbally by joining the meeting using either Zoom or by calling the following number and entering the information listed below:
877 853 5247 US Toll-free 888 788 0099 US Toll-free 253 215 8782 US Toll Number 213 338 8477 US Toll Number Meeting ID: 618 237 7396
Press to skip the Participation ID
Password: 1
To provide verbal testimony via Zoom please follow the instructions available through the above webpage link above.
Written comments will also be accepted until 11:59 P.M., one week before the date of the vote. Please use the CPC Comments form that is accessible through the above webpage.
Please inform the Department of City Planning if you need a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, in order to participate in the meeting. The submission of testimony, verbal or written, in a language other than English, will be accepted, and real time interpretation services will be provided based on available resources. Requests for a reasonable accommodation or foreign language assistance during the meeting should be emailed to or made by calling 212 720-3508.
Requests must be submitted at least five business days before the meeting.

No. 1
N 240290 ZRY
IN THE MATTER OF an application submitted by New York City Department of City Planning, pursuant to Section 201 of the New York City Charter, for an amendment of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, modifying multiple Sections to expand opportunities for housing within all zoning districts, and across all 59 of the Citys Community Districts.
On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, a public hearing is being held by the City Planning Commission CPC, accessible in-person and remotely, in conjunction with the above hearing to receive comments related to a Draft Environmental Impact Statement DEIS concerning an application by the New York City Department of City Planning DCP. DCP is proposing a package of zoning text amendments with citywide applicability to provide a broader range of housing opportunities across the city. The Proposed Action seeks to enable more housing and wider variety of housing types in all neighborhoods citywide, from the lowest-density districts to the highest, to address the housing shortage and high cost of housing in New York City. Incremental changes across a wide geography can create a significant amount of housing and affordable housing without resulting in dramatic change to neighborhoods. To create more housing and more types of housing, the Proposed

Action comprises project components in four broad categories:
Mediumand High-Density proposals in R6-R10 districts and equivalents; Low-Density proposals in R1-R5 districts and equivalents; Parking proposals, which span the full range of districts and densities; and assorted other changes in line with project goals. In general, the Proposed Action would apply in underlying zoning districts, Special Districts, and other geographies that modify underlying zoning, with limited adjustments to reflect planning goals in specific areas. As such, the Proposed Action would affect all 59 community districts in the City. The analysis year is 2039.
Written comments on the DEIS are requested and will be received and considered by the Lead Agency through 5:00 P.M.
on Monday, July 22, 2024.
For instructions on how to submit comments and participate, both in-person and remotely, please refer to the instructions at the beginning of this agenda.
This hearing is being held pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act SEQRA and City Environmental Quality Review CEQR, CEQR No. 24DCP033Y.

Sara Avila, Calendar Officer City Planning Commission 120 Broadway, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10271
Telephone 212 720-3366
Accessibility questions: 212 720-3508,
gov, by: Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 5:00 P.M.



The New York City Industrial Development Agency the Agency is empowered under the New York State Industrial Development Agency Act constituting Title 1 of Article 18-A of the General Municipal Law, and Chapter 1082 of the 1974 Laws of New York, as amended, to enter into straight-lease transactions for the benefit of qualified projects, and thereby advance the job opportunities, general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of the State of New York the State and to improve their prosperity and standard of living. The Agency has been requested to participate in straight-lease transactions and to issue bonds for the purposes and at the addresses also identified below. As used herein, the City shall mean The City of New York. All dollar amounts including bond issuance amounts, square footage amounts and wage information shown below are approximate numbers. As used herein, bonds are the bonds of the Agency, the interest on which may be exempt from local and/or state and/or federal income taxes. The references to the bond amounts or project cost amounts provided herein below are approximate and shall be deemed to mean up to such stated amount or a greater principal amount not to exceed 10% of such stated amount. All other amounts including square footage amounts and wage information shown below are approximate numbers.
Company Name: Blue Aster Clean Energy LLC, a Delaware limited liability company the Company. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of NineDot Energy, LLC NineDot. NineDot is a community distributed energy generation developer. Project Description: The Company is seeking financial assistance in connection with the construction and equipping of three battery energy storage systems with an estimated capacity of 14.7 Megawatts MW
each consisting of i batteries and other equipment, including transformers, switchboards and breakers, metering 58.8 MW hours of energy storage capacity total per day collectively, the Battery System; and ii three solar canopy systems consisting of a photovoltaic system mounted on the roof of a vault that will house switchgears and metering for the battery systems, with an estimated solar power generation of 180 kilowatt hours total per day the Solar System. The three battery energy storage systems and Solar System will total 3,160 and 2,600 square feet, respectively, and will be located on a to-be-subdivided parcel of land totaling 17,725 square feet located at 69 Hinsdale Street, Brooklyn, NY the Facility. The Facility will be owned by the Company and operated as a Battery System capable of charging from and discharging into the New York power grid, as well as a Solar System connected to the Battery System. Address: 69
Hinsdale Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207. Type of Benefits: Partial exemption from City and State mortgage recording taxes and exemption from City and State sales and use taxes. Total Project

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Official Journal of the City of New York - July 3, 2024

TitoloOfficial Journal of the City of New York

PaeseStati Uniti


Conteggio pagine12

Numero di edizioni4018

Prima edizione05/03/2008

Ultima edizione12/07/2024

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