Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - October 8, 2014

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Source: Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago




The parties recogniz.e a desire to facilitate the entry intci the building and construction trades of veterans who are interested in careers in the building and conslruction industry.
The parties agree to utilize the services of the Center for _Military Recruitment.
Assessmem and Veterans Employment hereinafter referred to asthe "Center and the Centers Helmets to Hardhats" program to service as a resource - for preliminary orientation. assessment of construction aptitude, referral to apprenticeship programs or hiring haHs. counseling and mentoTing, support network, employment opportunities:aqd other needs as ide_ntified by .the parties. The parties also -agree to coordinate with the Center to create and maintain an integrated database of;eterans interested in working on this pmjec and of apprenticeship .and employment opportunities for these .Projects. To the extent perrnined by law, the parties will give appropriate credit to such veterans for bona fide, provable past experience. in the building and co-nstruction industry.
The parties recognize the importance of facilitating the goals and objectives of the Apprenticeship & Training Initiative agreed to by the parties in separate collective bargaining agreements applicable to employees of the Owner. Additionally, parties agree 10 incorporate the duties and responsibilities associated with the Supplememal Addendum to the Multi-Project Labor Agreement between the signatorylabo.- organizations and the Chicago Public Schools attached hereto in Appendix "C and incorporated herein.
Towards these ends, the undersigned labor organizations will assist and cooperate with the Owner, the Chicago Public Schools, City Colleges and contractors in monitoring and enforcing .the foregoing commitments, including providing relevant infonnation requested by the Owner for the purpose of such monitoring and enforcement, indudin the infonnation provided for in Paragraph JE of the Supplemental Addendum with CPS_ Upon execution of this Agreement, representatives of the Owner ad the Chicago Building Trades Council will immediately meet for the purpose of establishing the specific mechaniSm by WhiCh Ihfs iilfonnation will be ga1hered. processed and repOned.
The parties hereto agree and acknowledge that the commitments set forth herein.
including those in the attached Appendix "c" are interdependent. In the event the goals and commitments set forth in Appendi/ "C" are not realized, the City shall bring this to the attention of the Ch icago Building Trades Council "-Council1. and the parties shalt immediately meet for the purpose of identifying the causes of said failure and implement necessary measures to remedy the failure. Should the Councils affiliate members refuse to implement measures reasonably necessary to realize these goals and commitments, the City may lenninale this Agreement subsequent to January I J. 2013. If, as of June I, 2012, the City believes that the CouRcirs_affiliate members have failed to implement measures reasonably necessary to realiz.e these goals and commitments, the City may at that time deliver to the Council formal written oolke of intent to terminate this Agreement on January I. 2013. Upon deliverance of such notice. the parties shall immediately meet to craft and implement additional measures to remedy such failure. If the parties are unsuccessful in implementing satisfactory measures, the City may implement said notice of termination on January 1,2013.
The parties acknowledge the Residency requirement for employees of contractors and subcontractors in the standard City of Chicago construction <:ontract The parties also agree to cooperatively work and mon itor compliance with these requirements and to work cooperatively to facilitate and work in good faith to the achievement of said required Residency provision including union attendance at pre-bid conferences with prospective contractors and subcontractors as weU as other reasonable undertakings to demonstrate progress in this regard..


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Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - October 8, 2014

TitoloJournal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago

PaeseStati Uniti


Conteggio pagine1128

Numero di edizioni765

Prima edizione20/07/1981

Ultima edizione31/05/2023

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