Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 28/6/2024 - Sección Legislación

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Source: Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Sección Legislación


OJ L, 28.6.2024

Public bodies buildings renovations could also be prioritised in a decentralised way, based on the level of motivation of public bodies that own the buildings in question. A central authority would be responsible for setting up a funding programme to which public bodies can apply if they would like to renovate their buildings. This option should be accompanied with information campaigns to raise awareness among public bodies of the availability of the funding programme. This option may not allow Member States to reach their annual targets if insufficient public bodies apply for funding to support renovation of their buildings. This approach would also miss the opportunity to prioritise on the basis of renovating the buildings with biggest savings for the lowest cost or some other strategic criteria first.
Consider alternative funding mechanisms, such as Energy Service Companies ESCO contracts, and support centrally public bodies that are open to such approaches.
Member States should also consider elaborating and publishing clear methodologies to:
Identify consistently which buildings to renovate, helping public bodies to consider appropriately cost effectiveness and technical, economical and functional feasibility.
Assist public bodies that own social housing to estimate whether renovation to NZEB can be carried out within the cost neutrality criteria. It is worth considering that Member States may still choose to renovate to NZEB or ZEB social housing that does not meet the cost neutrality criteria;
Support public bodies to deal with buildings included in the special categories protected buildings, buildings belonging to the armed forces or serving national defence purposes, and buildings used as places of worship and for religious activities. The methodology may help public bodies to:
Categorise these buildings correctly;
Establish the performance level, or a set of criteria, that buildings belonging to the special categories, as defined in Article 62 of Directive EU 2023/1791, must reach in order to be counted towards the renovation requirement.
For example, such a methodology may establish which building elements can be altered according to the category of building;
Define a methodology to establish when compliance with certain minimum energy performance requirements may unacceptably alter the character or appearance of protected buildings. This methodology could be linked to how the national legislators deal with protected buildings for example, different levels of protection and provide clear guidelines to architects and engineers on what can be considered an acceptable level of modification;
Deal with cases where a building may have shared purposes for example, religious activities but also social events.


ELI: http data.europa.eu/eli/reco/2024/1716/oj

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Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 28/6/2024 - Sección Legislación

TitoloDiario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Sección Legislación



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Numero di edizioni9774

Prima edizione03/01/1986

Ultima edizione30/06/2024

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