Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 2/7/2024 - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

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Source: Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

OJ C, 2.7.2024



Specific rules concerning labelling of the product the registered name refers to Commercial labels must feature:
the products logo in any of its three language versions;
the name, company name or register number that identifies the maker;
a code that clearly identifies the product and shows its traceability.
If the product has a natural gut casing and is additive-free, the brand logo can be incorporated into the label, superimposed on a green background.


Concise definition of the geographical area The defined geographical area comprises the whole of Navarre.


Link with the geographical area The link between the Chistorra de Navarra / Txistorra de Navarra / Nafarroako Txistorra and the geographical area where it is produced is based essentially on the reputation of the product, which derives from its geographical origin. The product also has certain specific characteristics arising from natural and human factors found in the region.
Reputation The product now known by the generic name chistorra originated in Navarre. It is a sausage similar to chorizo, but smaller in diameter. The chistorras characteristic thinness derives from natural and human factors found in the region, as explained in the subsection below.
Etymologically, the word chistorra comes from the Basque txistor, Basque Euskera being the language historically spoken in Navarre. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy Diccionario del Real Academia Española provides the following definition of the term chistorra, which is the only meaning of the word: From the Basque txistor, meaning sausage. A sausage of Navarrese origin, similar to chorizo, but thinner. The chistorra is a product originating in Navarre but now found throughout Spain, owing to its reputation and distribution over a wide area.
It is now produced in other regions as well, and the name chistorra is now the only term in use for this particular kind of sausage. However, the expressions Chistorra de Navarra / Txistorra de Navarra / Nafarroako Txistorra are still used for the original sausage produced in Navarre, which has maintained its original reputation and the traditional method of production, based solely on pork and pork fat.
This product has been part of the regions gastronomic traditions since at least the early 19th century. In the article El comer, el vestir y la vida de los navarros de 1817, a través de un memorial de ratonera José María Iribarren, Pamplona, 1956, txistorra is mentioned as a food commonly eaten by craftsmen of various kinds, though not by labourers. The chapter on the organisation of meals in the book La alimentación doméstica en Vasconia describes daily meals in the early 20th century early breakfast primer desayuno, elevenses almuerzo amarretako, lunch comida, an afternoon snack merienda and dinner cena and what they consisted of. Chistorras/txistorras became an integral part of lunch, elevenses and dinner in many settlements in this region, which includes what is now Navarre.
Contemporary links between chistorras/txistorras and Navarre also feature in many gastronomic publications:
Embutidos de Navarra José Bello, published by the Sociedad Navarra de Estudios Gastronómicos, 1997 notes that chistorras/txistorras are part of daily life for the people of Navarre and play an important part in their festivities and traditions. The chistorra/txistorra features as an essential foodstuff in the traditional local festivities of many municipalities in Navarre. Moreover, spring pilgrimages to the most venerated shrines traditionally culminate in a time-honoured txistorrada prepared by members of the participating cofradías brotherhoods.
Volume 3 of Gran Cocina Navarra Carmen Josué Simonena et al., Ediciones Herper, 1992, Pamplona describes how the traditional chistor is made.

ELI: http data.europa.eu/eli/C/2024/4269/oj

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