Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - October 8, 2014

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Source: Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago




The parties expressly authorize a court of competenturisdiction to order appropriate injunctive rei ief to restrain any violation of tn is Agreement, any form of self-help remedy is expressly forbidden. Nothing in the foregoing shall restrict any party to otherwise judicially enforce any provision of its collective bargaining agreement between any labor orgilll ization and a contractor with whom it has a col!ective barga ining relationship.


This Agreement shal! become effective, and shall be included in all Requests for Proposals andlor Bid s, all PurChase Orders. Contracts or other arrangements issued by the City of Chicago for work described in ParagJ.


This Agreement shall expire on December 31.2016 and shall be automatically extended for an additional five 5 year term unless the parties issue a notice to terminate between sixty 60 and JO days prior to the initial expiration date.


Jn the event a dispute shall arise between any contractor or subcontractor of the Project and any signatory labor organization andior fringe benefit fund established under any of the appropriate collective bargaining agreements as tothc obligation and/or payment of fringe benefit contributions provided under the collective bargaining agreement, upon proper notice to the contractors or subcontractors by the applicable labor organization or fringe benefit fund and to the contractor or subcontractor, an amount sufficient to satisfy the amouflt claimed shall be withheld from the contractors or subcofllractors regularly scheduled periodic payment from the contractor or subcontractor, or their agents until such lime as said claim is resolved.


in the event of a jurisdictional dispute by and between any labor organizations signatory herem, such Iaboc organizations shall take all steps.necessary lO promplly resolve the dispute.
In the event of a dispute relating to trade or work jurisdiction, ail parties. inclUding me employers. contractor.; or subcontractors. agree that a final and binding resolution of the dispute shall be resolved as fonows:


Representatives of Ihe affected trades shall meet on the job site within forty-eight 48
hou r.; after receiving notice in an effort to resolve the dispute. In the event there is a dispute between local unions affiliated with the same International Union, the decision of the General President, or hislher designee, as the internal jurisdictional authority of that International Union, shall consfitute a find and binding decision and determination as to the jurisd iction of work..


If no settlement is achieved subsequent 10 the preceding Paragraph. the matter shall be referred to lhe Chicago & Cook County Building & Construction Trades Council, which shall meet with the affi:cted trades within fony-eight 48 hours subsequent to receiving notice. An agreement reached at this Step shall be final and binding.


If no settlement agreements is reached during the proceedings contemplated by Paragraph "a"
or b" aboe: the maner shaH be immediately referTed to the Joint Conference Board, established by the Standard Agreement between the Construction Employer.; Association and the Chicago &; Cook County Building &; Construction Trades Council. which may be amended from time to time, for final and binding resolution of said dispute. Said Standard Agreement is attached hereto as Appendix "8" and specifically incorporated info this Agreement.


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Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - October 8, 2014

TitreJournal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago



Page count1128

Edition count765

Première édition20/07/1981

Dernière édition31/05/2023

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