Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - October 8, 2014

Versión en texto ¿Qué es?Dateas es un sitio independiente no afiliado a entidades gubernamentales. La fuente de los documentos PDF aquí publicados es la entidad gubernamental indicada en cada uno de ellos. Las versiones en texto son transcripciones no oficiales que realizamos para facilitar el acceso y la búsqueda de información, pero pueden contener errores o no estar completas.

Fuente: Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago



I 7.

The parties agree that conI ractors and subcontractors working under the provisions of th is Agreement shall be required to strive to utilize the maximum number of apprenti<:es on said Project as pennitied under tbe applicable collective bargaining agreement 8S
contained in Appendix "A "_

I 8.

This document, with each. of .the Attachments, constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and may not be modified Qr changed except by the subsequent written agreement.
of the parties_


A 1J parties represent that they have the full legal authority to enter into this Agreemel1t
The undersigned. as the Owner and Labor Organizations on the Projt. agree to all of the tenns and cond ilions cOl1lained in this Agreement ..
Dated this the 9h day of February, 201 1 in Chicago, Cook County. Illinois.

On behalfofOwncr:

Corporation Counsel
Duly Authorized Officer oflhe City of Chicago
On behalfof _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Insert Name of Labor Organizalion
Its Duly Authorized Officer
Appendices A", US" and "en referred to in this Multi-Project labor Agreement unavailable at time of printing.


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Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - October 8, 2014

TítuloJournal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago

PaísEstados Unidos de América


Nro. de páginas1128

Nro. de ediciones765

Primera edición20/07/1981

Ultima edición31/05/2023

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