Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - October 8, 2014

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Fuente: Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago


12. -


This Agreement shall ve incorporated into and become part of the collective vargaining
agreements between the Unions signatory hereto and co-ntracors and subcontractors. In the event_ of any inconsistency between "this Agreement and any collective bargaining agreement. die terms of this Agreement shall supersede and prevail except for all work performed under he NT Articles of Agreement, the National Stack/Chimney Agreement.
the National Cooling Tower Agreement, aU instrument calibrafion work and loop checking shall be performed under the terms uflhe UNIBEW"Joint National Jgreement for insment and Conu-ol Systems Technicians." and the National Agreement of the International Union of Elevator Constructors with e exception of the content _and subject maner of Articles V, VI and VlI of the AFL-eIOs Building &. Construction Trades Deparlmentmodel Project Labor Agreemenl - -


The parties agree that in the implementation and administration of this Agreement, it is vitally necessary to maintain effective and immediate communication so as to minimize the potemial of labor relations disputes arising out of this Agreement. To Ihat end, each .party "hetoagree to""dg"-ate in Writing. a repr:ess:ntatiye.to_ whom problems can be directed which may arisedqring the tenn of this Agreement. Within forty-eight 48
ours after notice of the _cxistenC! of any problem. r:epresentatives of eaeh party shall meet to discuss and. where" possible, resolve such problems. -The representative of me -SignaTory unions "snall1ie Thomas -v iIIanova,oi:ltisoC:Slgnee, Preslaent of the Chicago "&
Cook County Building & Construction Trades CounciL The representative of Owner shall be the Corporation Counsel or hislher designee.


If any provision, section, subsection or other portion of this Agn:ement shall be determined by any court of competent1urisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in whole or in part, and such determination shall become final, such provision or portion shall be deemed to be severed or limited, but only to Ihe extent required to render the remaining provisions and portions of this Agreement enfoble_ This Agreement, as thus amended, shall be enfor so as to give effect to the intention of the parties insofar as that is possible_ In addition, the parties hereby expressly empower a court of competent urisdiction to modilY any term or provision of this Agreement to the extent necessary to comply wilh exisli-ng law and to enforce this Agreement as modified.


Owner and General Contractor, on behalf of themselves and their contractors and subcontractors agree that the applicable substance abuse policy i.e drug, alcohol, etc.
applicable to the-employees working on any covered Project shall be that lIS conlained, or otherwise provided for. in the area-wide collective bargaining agreements attached at Appendix "A" to this Agreement. Nothing in the foregoing shall limit the Owners and/or General Contractor, ils contractors or subcontractors from instituting its own substance abuse policy governing other employees performing work on a Project not otherwise covered under Ibis Agreement. In the event there is no substance abuse policy in the applicable collective bargaining agreement, the policy adopted by the Owners andfoT
General Contractor may apply.


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Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago - October 8, 2014

TítuloJournal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago

PaísEstados Unidos de América


Nro. de páginas1128

Nro. de ediciones765

Primera edición20/07/1981

Ultima edición31/05/2023

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