England Schools Directory

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Information on all schools in England including local authority maintained schools, academies, free schools, studio schools, university technical colleges and independent schools. The information includes address, school type and phone number.

Source: Department for Education
Updated March 2017.


Kisharon School - England Schools Directory

Establishment NameKisharon School
Statutory Highest Age19
Statutory Lowest Age4
BoardersNo Boarders
Sixth FormDoes not have a sixth form
Phase Of EducationNot applicable
Religious CharacterNone
Religious EthosJewish
Admissions PolicyNot collected
Telephone Number   02084557483 Call
HeadteacherMrs S Kopfstein
Local Authority (Name)Barnet
Establishment Number6085
Street1011 Finchley Road
PostcodeNW11 7HB
Type Of EstablishmentOther Independent Special School
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