Actas de Defunción en Italia y otros registros de Genealogía Italiana

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• This query allows you to access the death records of your Italian ancestors. You will find information about the name of the deceased, and date and commune of death.

• This is an ideal search tool to locate a death certificate in Italy, learn more about your Italian family history and to help you with an Italian citizenship process.

Source: Gli Archivi for Anagraphic Research

NameOriginal DateProvince/State
Abele Scarsetti1922BresciaShow more
Abele Scotti18 Oct 1924CremonaShow more
Abele Secondo Casari30 Sep 1889CremonaShow more
Abele Silini07 Mar 1890BérgamoShow more
Abele Silini17 Jan 1897BérgamoShow more
Abele Soana20 Jan 1893CremonaShow more
Abele Soana16 Jun 1928CremonaShow more
Abele Solaro29 Jan 1920AstiShow more
Abele Soldi1923BresciaShow more
Abele Spatti27 Nov 1890BérgamoShow more
Abele Stefano Cioli1 Oct 1933BresciaShow more
Abele Tagliasacchi27 Jul 1935CremonaShow more
Abele Taglietti14 Feb 1933BresciaShow more
Abele Tarozzi20 Jun 1896CremonaShow more
Abele Tassi14 Sep 1882CremonaShow more
Abele Tedoldi31 Mar 1934BresciaShow more
Abele TempoUdineShow more
Abele Tolotti1922BresciaShow more
Abele Toni18 Feb 1890RomaShow more
Abele Toscani17 Apr 1906CremonaShow more