Crime incidents reports in Boston between 2015 and 2023

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This comprehensive database contains detailed crime reports for the city of Boston, spanning the years from 2015 to 2023. It serves as a valuable resource for law enforcement agencies, researchers, policymakers, and the general public interested in understanding crime trends and patterns in Boston over this eight-year period.

Among the fields you will find:

Case Number: A unique identifier for each reported crime incident.
Type of Offense and Description: Categorizes the nature of the crime.
District: Specifies the law enforcement district within Boston where the crime occurred.
Date: Records the date when the crime was reported or occurred.
Location: Describes the specific place or address where the crime took place.

Source: Boston Police Department (BPD)


I172040657 - Crime incidents reports in Boston between 2015 and 2023

Ucr Part(?) Uniform Crime Reports Part Two
Location(42.29109287, -71.06594539)" I182061268,3201,Property Lost,PROPERTY - LOST,, ,,2015-06-15 00:00:00,2015,6,Monday,0,Part Three,BERNARD,,, I162013546,3201,Property Lost,PROPERTY - LOST,B3,433,,2015-06-15 00:00:00,2015,6,Monday,0,Part Three,NORFOLK ST,42.2
Incident NumberI172040657
Offense Code2629
Offense Code GroupHarassment
Offense DescriptionHARASSMENT
Reporting Area397
Occured On Date2015-06-15 00:00:00
Day Of WeekMonday