Active positions0
Historical positions

Identification and Business Activity Data

Social denominationSM2 BALEARES SA
Alternative NameSm2 Baleares Sociedad Anonima

Announcements in Official Bulletins of SM2 BALEARES

16/12/2010 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

24/01/2011 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

27/05/2011 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

11/06/2012 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

28/09/2012 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

12/11/2012 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

28/05/2013 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

29/11/2013 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

16/01/2014 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

24/02/2014 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

12/08/2014 - SM2 BALEARES, SA

15/06/2015 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

01/06/2016 - SM2 BALEARES, S.A.

09/05/2017 - SM2 BALEARES, SA