Active positions7
Historical positions1

Identification and Business Activity Data

Social denominationRAGE AUTO SL
Alternative NameRage Auto Sociedad Limitada
RegistrationRegistro Mercantil de Madrid
AddressC/ Prolongacion De Embajadores S/n, Madrid, Madrid, España Ver mapa
Social capital30.795,30 Euros

Executive Positions at RAGE AUTO

OfficerPostAppointmentTermination or Resignation
RUIZ ESCRIBANO MARIOApoderado09/03/2016
AMBIT LEMUS RAULAdministrador Unico24/08/2016
RIBERAS MERA JUAN MARIAConsejero24/08/2016
RIBERAS MERA JUAN MARIAPresidente24/08/2016
RIBERAS MERA JUAN MARIACon.Delegado24/08/2016
RUIZ ESCRIBANO MARIOConsejero24/08/2016
RUIZ ESCRIBANO MARIOSecretario24/08/2016
AMBIT LEMUS RAULConsejero24/08/2016

Announcements in Official Bulletins of RAGE AUTO

07/06/2010 - RAGE AUTO SL

18/02/2013 - RAGE AUTO SL

17/03/2016 - RAGE AUTO SL

01/09/2016 - RAGE AUTO SL

02/01/2018 - RAGE AUTO SL