Active positions0
Historical positions4

Identification and Business Activity Data

Social denominationOPCIPORC SL
Alternative NameOpciporc Sociedad Limitada
RegistrationRegistro Mercantil de Lleida

Executive Positions at OPCIPORC

OfficerPostAppointmentTermination or Resignation
SAFONT AUDITORS ASSOCIATS SLAuditor05/03/201008/04/2016
ESTEVE GRANJE JORGEAdministrador Unico08/04/2016
PIGLETS SLSocio08/04/2016
PIGLETS SLSocio único08/04/2016

Announcements in Official Bulletins of OPCIPORC

16/03/2010 - OPCIPORC SL

06/02/2013 - OPCIPORC SL

05/11/2015 - OPCIPORC SL

18/04/2016 - OPCIPORC SL