Active positions1
Historical positions1

Identification and Business Activity Data

Social denominationGOVEMETAL SL
Alternative NameGovemetal Sociedad Limitada
Corporate purposeel revestimiento interior y exterior de todo tipo de obra civil.
Start of Operations
RegistrationRegistro Mercantil de Alicante
AddressC/ General Prieto 14, Alcoy, Alicante, España Ver mapa
Social capital3.006,00 Euros

Executive Positions at GOVEMETAL

OfficerPostAppointmentTermination or Resignation
MERENCIANO MARTINEZ JESUSAdministrador Unico07/01/2014
GONZALEZ GARCIA JOSEAdministrador Unico07/01/2014

Announcements in Official Bulletins of GOVEMETAL

27/10/2009 - GOVEMETAL SL

14/01/2014 - GOVEMETAL SL

15/01/2014 - GOVEMETAL SL