Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 4/7/2024 - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

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Source: Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Comunicaciones e Informaciones


OJ C, 4.7.2024



EU policy and the TEN-E Regulation
Accelerating the energy transition and joining forces to achieve a more resilient energy system are the basis of the Commissions REPowerEU Plan to rapidly reduce the EUs dependence on Russian fossil fuels 1. In full consistence, the EU
revised the Renewable Energy Directive 2 increasing the overall Union renewable energy target to at least 42,5 % by 2030.
Offshore renewables will play a key role in supporting such objectives. They will greatly contribute to achieving the EUs renewable energy targets, are poised to become a main pillar of its future electricity mix and are needed to move towards a fully decarbonised power system by 2040 3. Offshore renewables will also increase the EUs domestic energy generation, reducing its dependence on fossil fuels. They will deliver competitive electricity prices, as already demonstrated by recent auction results, supporting Europes industrial competitiveness and contributing to affordable prices for consumers. With a supply chain largely domestic today and growing demand, they will create new opportunities to create high-quality jobs and address local unemployment challenges in the EU.
A first deliverable of the TEN-E Regulation EU 2022/869 was completed in 2023, when Member States agreed regionally on cumulative offshore goals of around 111 GW by 2030 and 317 GW by 2050 4, a significant increase from the 19,38
GW installed capacity in the EU by the same year 2023. The benefits of the enormous generation capacities to be installed are likely to extend beyond the borders of the Member States physically hosting the projects. New cross-border projects, particularly hybrid interconnectors transmission lines that connect offshore renewables and interconnect Member States will therefore be needed. This was one of the conclusions of the first edition of the offshore network development plans ONDPs developed and published by ENTSO-E for each of the EUs five sea basins in January 2024, a second TEN-E deliverable that builds on the Member States regional agreements. Specific infrastructure projects consistent with the needs identified in the ONDPs may then be considered within Ten-Year Network Development Plans TYNDP and reflected in national energy and climate plans NECPs. A third consecutive TEN-E requirement is for the Commission to develop guidance on cost-benefit analyses and cross-border cost sharing for the development of the ONDPs for each sea basin, addressed by the present document. Lastly, the TEN-E prescribes ENTSO-E to present the results of the application of this guidance for the first time by 24 June 2025. The regional agreements, ONDPs and results of the application of the cost sharing guidance are to be updated subsequently every two years. In certain areas addressed in this cost sharing guidance, the full application of its principles may require an evolution of the ONDPs. The first version of the cost sharing application exercise to be conducted by ENTSO-E may therefore require certain simplifications.


Why collaborative investment frameworks are needed
The necessity for cross-border cost sharing for the development of the ONDPs stems from several particularities specific to offshore projects, which require particular attention.
First, they require a significant level of involvement from Member States to deploy a project within their sea space due to their size, the presence of other activities at sea and possible cross-border impacts. Member States get involved in the development of offshore renewables by developing preliminary studies of the seabed surface and marine environment, strategic environmental assessments, maritime spatial plans selecting suitable areas, renewable auctions, seabed leases and setting political targets for offshore renewables. Since actions by one Member State can impact its neighbours, intergovernmental cooperation is essential. This calls for strong regional collaboration between Member States in the different steps of deploying offshore renewables, including on cost and benefit sharing.
Second, the Member States regional agreements towards around 317 GW by 2050 are ambitious, realistic and necessary for decarbonising the European power sector by 2040. They contain breakdowns per Member State depicting how to reach the combined goals. Yet, part of such national breakdowns of the regional goals may be unrealisable if the enabling conditions are not provided. These are established by ensuring that the offshore renewable potential supported by political goals can effectively reach demand within the region, domestically provision of electricity to traditional, electrified and new demand, cross-border trade of electricity via hybrids and through onshore interconnectors and in conversion to other energy carriers power-to-X, such as hydrogen and ammonia, for domestic usage or for export.
1 https energy.ec.europa.eu/topics/markets-and-consumers/actions-and-measures-energy-prices/repowereu-2-years_en 2 Directive EU 2023/2413.
3 COM2024 63 final.
4 https energy.ec.europa.eu/news/member-states-agree-new-ambition-expanding-offshore-renewable-energy-2023-01-19_en

ELI: http data.europa.eu/eli/C/2024/4277/oj

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Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea del 4/7/2024 - Comunicaciones e Informaciones

TitleDiario Oficial de la Unión Europea - Comunicaciones e Informaciones



Page count1625

Edition count10088

First edition03/01/1986

Last issue25/07/2024

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